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Sciences and technology major in physics Quantum technologies European program

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The "Quantum Technologies - European Track" (QTEP) trains highly qualified quantum physicists
and technologists in one of the most dynamic high-tech fields for the industries of the future.

Quantum technologies represent a multidisciplinary field with an inherently strong emphasis on
research combined with enormous potential for applications. First generation quantum technologies,
such as the transistor, lasers, and atomic clocks have already transformed society through key
technologies such as the microprocessor, the internet and GPS.

The second quantum revolution
promises a new generation of quantum technology which actively exploit quantum effects such as
superposition and entanglement to realize new physical effects, enhance the function of materials
and nanodevices, and to revolutionize how we process information and learn about our world.

The training program sits at the interface of physics and engineering, with elements of
mathematics and computer science. It combines lectures, tutorials and advanced practicals spanning
complementary fields such as quantum science, physics of devices, atomic, molecular and optical
science, quantum information theory, quantum computing and applications.

The Master QTEP graduates thus acquire a broad corpus skills aligned
with the European competence framework for
quantum technologies and the needs of the growing quantum industry while taking advantage of
Unistra's strengths in multidisciplinary research and innovation..

European Master Certif. in Quantum Technologies : The QTEP master is strongly integrated in
French national and European strategic agendas, to help build the French and European quantum
society and industry. Students will have the opportunity to participate to the European DIGIQ
project ( which provides access to a European professional network,
complementary courses and digital teaching modules, and international master intersnhip in topnotch research laboratories in academia and industry across Europe.

Merit-based grant: the Master's program is an initiative of the Quantum Science and Nanomaterials
(QMat) graduate school, which can provide financial support based on academic academic criteria.

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Conditions d'admission (diplômes) : M1 : Entry level: bachelor's degree or equivalent (French or foreign).

To consult the application procedures, visit the dedicated page on the University of
Strasbourg website.
URL to be inserted behind this text:

Compétences acquises durant la formation : Acquire scientific skills in quantum physics and technologies, in computing and quantum

Acquire transversal skills in project management and direction: act and communicate in large
international collaborations.

Participate in a research project in quantum sciences and technologies: physical description of
experimental results, design of quantum technologies, manipulation of quantum information, data
collection and analysis, modeling and interpretation of results.

Métiers et activité professionnelle visés : Career opportunities:

- Positions :
The aim of the Master is to train physicists who can hold senior positions in public research
institutions (Researcher, Researcher-Teacher or Research Engineer), R & D engineers or other
management positions in the field of industry (see next paragraph), and teachers in secondary or
higher education.
RNCP fields include: Researcher, Quantum technologist, Quantum physicist, Management and
Engineering of studies-research-development in industry, Management and engineering methods
and industrialization, Researcher, Higher education teacher, Process engineer, expert/advisor in
Information and Communication Technologies.

- Sectors :
Public Research; Education; Electronics industry; Semiconductor and Microelectronics industry;
Computers, internet and telecommunications; Bank & Insurance.

Durée et modalités : 2 years
Teaching in English!

Commentaires : This Master Project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe
Programme under the grant agreement N°101084035, and from Agence Nationale de la
Recherche under France 2030 grant agreement N° ANR-22-CMAS-0001.

Site web dédié :

Site web dédié : (Faculté de Physique)

