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Space Education Catalogue


Ingénieur ENSTA Bretagne par alternance - Systèmes embarqués

Course Details

Objectives : This training in embedded systems is offered on a work-study basis (apprenticeship contract). It prepares future engineers for the development and improvement of embedded systems: complex electronic architectures that combine software, electronic hardware, business algorithms and telecommunications.
This 3-year training is accessible to holders of BTS and DUT and to professionals within the framework of continuing education.
The diploma is issued in partnership with the ITII Bretagne

Public concerned : Students or employees by continuing

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : DUT or BTS in the mechanical or electronic

Targeted careers : The graduates occupy positions of architects and systems integrators, study engineers, design and R&D, then at the end of a few years of professional experience, functions in business engineering, site managers or of entities.

Duration and terms : 3 years

Partnerships with national organisations : ITII Bretagne

Dedicated web site :

