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Space Education Catalogue


Master Optique, Image, Vision, Multimédia parcours Systèmes distribués et technologies de la data Science (SDTS)

Course Details

Objectives : The SDTS course has a multidisciplinary orientation, which aims to give future graduates solid knowledge in the integration of artificial intelligence solutions, distributed systems and project management. The course content is updated regularly in order to be able to closely follow the evolution of technologies and achieve rapid integration into a company.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Acquired skills during the training : Train future graduates capable of mastering distributed systems, developing applications on different systems (cloud, edge, etc.), understanding, integrating and deploying artificial intelligence algorithms.
The training is based on learning and mastering advanced technologies in the field of distributed systems and data science as well as openness to future technologies.

The SDTS course was set up to provide students with both theoretical and practical knowledge in artificial intelligence and distributed computing. Future graduates will need to acquire a great deal of work autonomy and the ability to adapt to the majority of positions.

Targeted careers : - Application development engineer
- Data Engineer
- Data scientist
- IT systems manager
- Research engineer
- Project Manager
- Consultant

Dedicated web site :

