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Space Education Catalogue


Ingénieur TELECOM Nancy, Internet Systems and Security (ISS – Internet, Systèmes connectés et Sécurité)

Course Details

Objectives : The TELECOM Nancy graduate engineering school provides to students a large scope of knowledge and skills in computer science. The ISS deepening allows them to develop an expertise in designing and deploying network and service infrastructures for companies and in exploiting dedicated software products for providing security and performances.

Some examples of job positions related to this deepening are presented below:
- Network/telecom architect: she/he is responsible for designing the topology of networks in a company, auditing existing networks and planning changes (with respect to scalability and performance evaluation);
- IT security manager: her/his role consists in assessing risks and in guaranteeing confidentiality, integrity and availability of informations and resources in the company;
- Network administrator: she/he is in charge of monitoring and managing the network of a company on a daily basis and is responsible for anticipating its development at short scale;
- Project manager in the area of networks, telecommunications and distributed applications: her/his role is to manage, organize and plan the development of a software product, equipment or a system.

Public concerned : Students with a bachelor of science degree

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : Scientific bachelor and oral discussion

Duration and terms : Three years (in order to get a Master’s degree), specialized courses start from the second year.

Partnerships with national organisations : Université de Lorraine, LORIA, CRAN, INRIA, CNRS, Institut Mines-Télécom

International partnerships : Regular exchange of students with universities / international schools

Dedicated web site :

Dedicated web site : (ISS)

