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Space Education Catalogue


Master Physique appliquée et ingénierie physique parcours Modélisation numérique avancée (MNA)

Course Details

Objectives : This training focuses on a specialization in civil or mechanical engineering.
This course is intended for students with a baccalaureate + 3 in the fields of civil engineering, mechanical engineering, plastics or mechatronics.

The training provided during the S1 and S3 semesters is based on issues arising directly from applications and complex issues related to the business. Solving these problems is done through simulation tools while adapting the digital solution to the business application.

INSA Strasbourg, the University of Strasbourg and ENGEES, co-accredited this master.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Acquired skills during the training : - Use, with a critical mind, the numerical tools (simulation, data acquisition, etc.) of engineering sciences;
- To design and develop a programme in a language adapted to the objective; to implement and independently carry out an experimental approach;
- Validate a model by comparing its forecasts to experimental results and assess the validity limits of a model;
- Develop a problem and mobilize resources to document a subject; work independently, while integrating into a team.

Dedicated web site :

Dedicated web site : (INSA)

