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Space Education Catalogue


EuMAS - European Masters course in Aeronautics and Space Technology (option Space Technology)

Course Details

Objectives : EuMAS is a two-year Erasmus Mundus Programme jointly offered by 5 European aerospace schools.
EuMAS provides world-class education in aerospace engineering field, preparing the students to start a successful professional activity as an Aerospace Engineer;
Successful students are awarded a double degree in Aerospace Engineeering by the two partners univesities (among the 5) in charge of the Master.
EuMAS is one of the masters courses selected by the European Commission Eurasmus Mundus.p

Public concerned : Students European or non-European

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : At least three years of undergraduate education in an engineering education or in an applied Science. Extensisve undergraduate preparation in physics, chemistry, thermodynamics, mechanics, engineering and mathematics is required

Prerequisites : Application is open to students who have completed at least three years of undergraduate education in an engineering discipline or in an applied science

Duration and terms : 2 years

Notes : - This multi-national training is coordinated by the Universita of Pisa, Italy: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale

Dedicated web site :

