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Space Education Catalogue


Master of Science ESPACE - Earth oriented space science and technology

Course Details

Objectives : The goal of the ESPACE Master’s degree program is to train students to become experts in the use and development of satellites in the three main areas of earth system science, remote sensing and navigation. Students acquire fundamental knowledge and competencies in these three fields as a general basis, as well as the interfaces among them in order to be able to link technological know-how with practical application. They simultaneously learn the necessary basics of signal processing, sensor technology, orbital mechanics and space technology, so that they are in a position to help plan and develop future missions for the above-mentioned areas.

Public concerned : Students with a Bachelor or diploma degree in science or enginiering.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Prerequisites : Certified copy of Bachelor or Diploma degree or equivalent from an internationnaly recognized university in science or engineering (such as mathematics,physics,informatics,mechanical/electrical/aerospace engineering, gedesy, geophysics).
Certificat of English language ability.

Duration and terms : 4 semesters

Notes : In the third semester students have the opportunity to specialize in either Earth System Science, Remote Sensing or Navigation&Positioning.

Partnerships with national organisations : Ludwig-Maximilian University, University of Federal Armed Forces and German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Dedicated web site :

