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Space Education Catalogue


Master en Sciences Spatiales - option Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes

Course Details

Objectives : This Master is aimed primarily at those who are willing to take an active part in Space research .It contributes to significant progress in our knowledge of the stars from Earth, the planets of the solar system and those orbiting other stars in the study of galaxies, quasars and black holes embedded within them, in that of the origin, structure and evolution of the Universe.
This Master is also for all those who are passionate about observing the sky and / or willing to know the threats to our marine and atmospheric environment and ways to combat them.

Public concerned : Students

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : Bachelor 3

Duration and terms : 2 years

Notes : It is organized into two years of study (120 ECTS credits).
The first year consists of a set of compulsory core courses, courses in research focus in Space Science and electives specific to the option or issued under the Master Engineer in aerospace.
During the second year and more specific course-specific option, the student must complete an essay which will be a brief graduation giving him 24 credits.

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