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Space Education Catalogue


Master Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica

Course Details

Objectives : Within the new information technologies, Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) constitute a field in growing expansion, due to its versatility, with application in fields as diverse as the environment and natural resources, land use planning, urban planning, transport planning, management and planning of public services, geomarketing, etc. As is known, the core of these technologies is found in Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Digital Cartography, in addition to GPS and Photogrammetry.

Nowadays, TIGs are basic tools in the investigation, planning and management of the territory. GITs have demonstrated their ability to solve many problems with a spatial component, which means that they are increasingly used in research and in the professional world (both private companies and public administrations). Hence, there is a growing labor demand for experts in the use of GIT.

Public concerned : Students

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Targeted careers : The Master's Degree in Geographic Information Technologies at UCM is professional in nature, so it is aimed at qualifying the student for their work in the world of business and public administrations. But it also provides the necessary preparation to be able to guide the student's future towards research, so that after completing the master's degree it is possible to continue with doctoral studies. In accordance with what was previously mentioned about the use of GIT, the profile of the students of this future master's degree is very varied: geographers, geologists, biologists, environmentalists, economists, sociologists, archaeologists, cartography and geodesy engineers, architects, foresters, agronomists, etc.

Duration and terms : 2 semesters

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