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Space Education Catalogue


Master's Degree in Theoretical Physics - Specialization in Astophysics and Physics of the Cosmos]

Course Details

Objectives : One of the main objectives of this Master’s Degree is to provide specialized academic training in the field of Theoretical Physics and an introduction to Research. This programme is the gateway to doctoral studies. The training it provides allows students to acquire a variety of general competences which can lead to a wide range of jobs in fields such as teaching, science, technology, work outside of the academic world and even in such different disciplines as economics, applied computing, communications technologies, etc. Graduates from this Master’s Degree will be able to develop a career in this field: a) pursuing a research career by writing a PhD; b) working in research institutes, astronomical observatories, etc.; c) teaching in secondary education; d) working in technological companies (e.g. working with accelerators, in the aerospace sector, etc.) and other cross-curricular fields (consultancy, communications, software simulation, image processing, etc.); e) promoting and explaining science in different sectors (media, planetariums, museums, etc.).

Public concerned : Students

Admission requirements : The students must be graduate (Bachelor or Degree) in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Engineering (in one of the following designations: Aeronautical / Aerospace, Civil and Land, Materials, roads, canals and ports, Industrial / Industrial Technologies, Energy, Chemical, Maritime, Naval and Ocean, Telecommunication or Geomatics and Surveying) or equivalent degrees from foreign universities.

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